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43 Mandatory & Core Care Training Courses

43 Mandatory & Core Care Training Courses

This bundle courses gives you 12  months access to 43 courses for mandatory and core tranining


Duration: 25 Hour     CPD Points: 29

  • Objectives

    Assisting and moving people
    - Care workers should be able to understand current legislations, policies and procedures relating to moving and positioning individuals.
    - Includes both anatomy and physiology and how to use any equipment required.
    - Also need to know how to minimise risk and when they should seek advice or assistance.
    Refresher training and assessment is recommended at least once per year or when new risks/requirements are introduced

    Basic life support and first aid
    - Staff need to understand the procedures and protocols surrounding accidents and sudden illness.
    - Includes being able to safely provide basic first aid and life support.
    Basic life support training should be refreshed at least annually. Frequent ‘low dose’ training may improve CPR skills more effectively.
    First Aid refresher training is required at least every 3 years for a worker to be recognised as competent.

    - Care staff need to understand the importance of good communication and be able to meet the communication needs and preferences of those in their care.
    - They should also be able to understand and apply confidentiality practices at work and be able to reduce barriers to communication.
    Staff performance should be monitored.
    Competence and knowledge should be assessed at least annually.
    Learning and development opportunities should be provided as required or at least every 3 years.

    - Care staff should understand that dignity, respect and privacy of the individual are of the utmost importance in a care setting.
    - It’s also vital for them to understand the principles that underpin dignity in care.
    Staff performance should be monitored.
    Competence and knowledge should be assessed at least annually.
    Learning and development opportunities should be provided as required or at least every 3 years.

    Equality and Diversity
    - Care staff should understand the importance of equality and be able to work in an inclusive manner.
    - It’s important for them to know how to access information and advice when needed.
    Staff performance should be monitored.
    Competence and knowledge should be assessed at least annually.
    Learning and development opportunities should be provided as required or at least every 3 years.

    Fire Safety
    - Care staff should understand fire safety procedures and how to promote fire safety in the care setting.

    Food hygiene
    - All staff involved in the handling, preparing and provision of food are required by law to receive food hygiene training.
    Competence and knowledge should be assessed at least annually.
    Learning and development opportunities should be provided as required or at least every 3 years.

    Health and safety awareness
    - Care staff need to understand their own responsibilities and the responsibilities of others in relation to health and safety in the work setting.
    Competence and knowledge should be assessed at least annually.
    Learning and development opportunities should be provided as required or at least every 3 years.

    Infection prevention and control
    - Care staff need to understand their role and responsibilities in relation to infection prevention and control in the care setting.
    Competence and knowledge should be assessed at least annually.
    Learning and development opportunities should be provided as required or at least every 3 years.

    Management of medications
    - Staff need to understand the legislation, policy and procedures surrounding the administration of medications.
    Workers should not manage or administer medication until they have successfully completed any necessary training and have been assessed as competent.

    Mental capacity and liberty safeguards
    - Care staff should understand the meaning of mental capacity in the care setting, together with the relevant legal frameworks, policies and guidelines.
    Staff performance should be monitored.
    Competence and knowledge should be assessed at least annually.
    Learning and development opportunities should be provided as required or at least every 3 years.

    Moving and handling objects
    - Workers need to be able to move and handle equipment and other objects safely.
    The Health and Safety Executive considers that annual refresher training is good practice.

    Nutrition and hydration
    - Care staff should understand the principles of nutrition and hydration.
    - Care workers also need to be able to support those in their care to access food, nutrition and fluids in accordance with their care plan.
    Staff performance should be monitored.
    Competence and knowledge should be assessed at least annually.
    Learning and development opportunities should be provided as required or at least every 3 years.

    Oral health
    - Care staff should know how to assess oral health, provide the relevant care and how to respond to changing oral health needs.
    Competence and knowledge should be assessed at least annually.
    Learning and development opportunities should be provided as required or at least every 3 years.

    Person-centred care
    - Staff need to understand and be able to put into practice the principles of person-centred care
    Competence and knowledge should be assessed at least annually.
    Learning and development opportunities should be provided as required or at least every 3 years.

    Positive behaviour support and non-restrictive practice
    - The PBS Competency Framework provides a good point of reference for PBS training programmes.
    Government recommendations are for refresher training to be provided annually.

    Recording and reporting
    - Staff need to understand the importance of handling information securely within the care setting.
    Competence and knowledge should be assessed at least annually.
    Learning and development opportunities should be provided as required or at least every 3 years.

    Safeguarding adults
    - Staff need to understand how to safeguard adults against abuse and how to recognise different types of abuse including online abuse and domestic violence.
    Competence and knowledge should be assessed at least annually.
    Learning and development opportunities should be provided as required or at least every 3 years.

    Safeguarding children
    - Staff need to clearly understand how to safeguard the children in their care.
    Annual refresher training is recommended.

    Specific conditions
    -  Staff need to understand the needs and experiences of people with specific conditions, as well as the relevant legal frameworks and policies.
    -  They should also understand the importance of promoting positive health and any adjustments in care delivery that may be required.
    Staff performance should be monitored.
    Competence and knowledge should be assessed at least annually.
    Learning and development opportunities should be provided as required or at least every 3 years.

  • Bundled Courses

    The courses that are included in the social care mandatory and core training bundle are:

    • Food Hygiene (Basic) Level 1
    • Fire Safety Awareness: An Introduction
    • Fire Safety Awareness: Fire Signs, Guides, Equipment, and Evacuation
    • Medicines Control & Administration (Medication Management)
    • Infection Prevention and Control: Level 1 An Introduction
    • Infection Prevention and Control: Level 2 An Understanding
    • Advance Care Planning and Record Keeping
    • Promoting Understanding of Equality, Diversity, & Human Rights
    • Safeguarding Adults Level 1
    • Safeguarding Adults Level 2
    • Safeguarding Children Level 1
    • Safeguarding Children Level 2
    • Moving and Handling Objects
    • Moving and Handling People
    • Health Safety and Welfare
    • Managing Oral Health
    • First Aid – Basic Life Support (Resuscitation)
    • First Aid (Resuscitation) Level 2
    • Awareness of Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
    • Privacy and Dignity
    • Person-Centred Care
    • Learning Disabilities
    • Providing Hydration – Fluids and Nutrition
    • The Mental Capacity Act and Liberty Safeguards
    • Effective Communication
  • Certification

    On successful completion of the quiz, you will be awarded a CPD accredited Mandatory & Core Care Training Courses free course certificates.


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